Past Projects
The project was aimed at increasing citizen engagement and participation in policy and decision making relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was achieved by convening forums in which CSOs and citizens were able to engage with key policy and decision making, in particular the Ministry of Health& Medical Services which is the epicentre of policy making relating to the pandemic in Fiji. In addition, research was conducted on key issues impacting on the success of measures to contain the pandemic in Fiji such as vaccine hesitancy. The project also documented the impacts of the pandemic on Fijians through the production of a video documentary.
In addition the project also provided COVID-19 messages to increase awareness amongst Fijians, on issues not covered by the Ministry of Health, which contributed to protecting citizens from the deadly outbreak. Furthermore, policy recommendations were made to policy makers on how to manage the outbreak in Fiji.
The C3 (Fiji) Project relates directly to the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) global objective of consolidating democracy in Fiji. Specifically, it responds to the emphasis in EIDHR 2014-2020 on cooperation between CSOs, local authorities, relevant state institutions, and vulnerable groups. It aims to increase voters’ and citizens’ knowledge of their constitutional rights and of elections in the lead up to the 2018 elections and provide guidance about ways in which those rights can be exercised both before and after the election. The Project provides opportunities for CSOs to strengthen networks and institutional capacity, develop collaborative networks and relations across the sector, and improve collaboration with state entities.
A special role for International IDEA will be to facilitate mutual working relationships amongst these stakeholders and provide knowledge resources on elections and democracy. In the pre-election period, the Project will provide assistance to the FEC and FEO in producing and disseminating information about the electoral process and in engaging the public through meetings in various parts of the country and in universities and disparate communities, including vulnerable groups.
The Project also ensures that gender equality and women’s participation is mainstreamed, through engagement with women as candidates and as voters. This is achieved with a deliberate focus/approach on women’s’ participation in various project activities, MP's and government officials; inclusion of community groups representing women; and gathering gender based disaggregated data. Implementer: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
The project directly relates to the European Instrument for democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) global objective of consolidating democracy in Fiji. Specifically, it responds to the emphasis in EIDHR 2014-2020 on cooperation between CSO's local authorities, relevant state institutions and vulnerable groups.
CCF will closely work with its partners Pacific Centre for Peace-building, Dialogue Fiji Transcend Oceania and Conciliation Resources. For the three year EU funded project that aims to strengthen democratic governance in Fiji through effective and sustained participation of civil society and marginalised groups in local and national policy making.
The Participative Democracy and Accountability Action (PDA) project will engage with the community and their leaders, in particular women and youth to improve their skills and knowledge to enable them to participate effectively in local and national governance processes and engage with the authorities in social dialogue and policy formulation processes.
The project aims to improve effective engagement monitoring and reporting by civil society on democratisation and development issues to public authorities.
Recognising the important roles that Fijian CSO's play, the project will also strengthen their capacities to operate effectively, cohesively and sustainably in Fiji's emerging democracy including increased engagement with public authorities and strengthen linkages with communities, national and regional Pacific civil society and international stakeholders.